Bride and Horse

Northern Nevada Equestrian Project

I’m so excited! Thanks to having extra time at home to do nothing but work, I have caught up on so many things!
The project I’ve been working on for two years finally came to fruition and I’m so proud of myself! Below is the MagCloud link if you’d like to check it out and purchase one.

The books arrived today and they are awesome, I’m so happy with them! Most of them are already purchased, but I should have a few extra to buy directly from me.

I’m so grateful to the equestrians who participated. It was so much fun to get to know other horse people in northern Nevada and tell their stories!

I’m really looking forward to doing this again in 2020, and the session fees will be donated to a local equine charity. It’s going to be a hard decision to pick one, but I will definitely ask for help and recommendations. I will also donate some editorial photography services to some additional organizations that could use it as well, so keep me in mind for that! If you are interested in being a part of this year’s project, contact me with your name, phone number, and email address at and I’ll give you all the details.

Northern Nevada Equestrian Project

By Sue Halliburton in Equine Photography

62 pages

Find out more on MagCloud
Teen girl and her horse
One of the spreads from the book of the lovely Teaira and her darling Mustang filly, Piper
Woman and horse with mountains in the background
Prominent local attorney Kathleen Sigurdson and her love, Cinnamon Tea

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